Fruit Trees

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On top left is an apple tree in October of 2000 I forget what kind. I also forgot to water it or thin it this year, but it did ok and we made some nice pies. We used to have four apple trees but one of them died for some unknown reason. I really like baked apples and the tree that was supposed to make the best apples for baking was the one that died.

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Something is killing our pear trees I think it is fire blight. If you think you know what this is please tell me. The leaves turn black and then the bark turns black and then the tree dies. This tree is starting to show signs of it. This is an Asian pear called chojuro. I think it will survive just because it has held out for 7 years and still looks really good.

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Our Apricot tree died the first year. Apricots do not do well in our climate but we decided to give it a try anyway. The rootstock survived. I think it is a plum. The rootstock blossomed this year, so maybe we have a good plum tree now. Here is a picture of it.

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We also have a fig tree and a persimmon tree neither have produced yet. I know we will get some figs someday because I have seen them produce here. But I don't know if we will ever get a persimmon. The persimmon tree is pictured below. We planted it 7 years ago and it has barely grown, it is about three feet tall.

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{Bok Choi} {Lettuce} {Tomato}
{Squash} {Poppy} {Chicken} {Trees}